
Blog of the research of the case of Manuel Blanco Romasanta, known as “Sacamanteigas”, first lycanthrope registered in the files of the European justice.

Wednesday, May 20

Rest and preparation of permissions

The duration of the luminous and bluish hours of Galiza and the humid ones of Michigan deserve commentary. Here there is the Sun up to 22.00 hours!!
Nevertheless, Ourense dawns well early. For the thin crystals of two centuries ago crosses the noise that generates only 5 hours after closing the market. I was not whom of me to get up. The Weariness I have is a mixture between jet lag and drunkenness of the world of the Sacamanteigas.
When I could open eyes completely and extract me Algonkians feet to the street, on the market already was left that others reject. This market is very traditional, remind me those that I saw a few periods ago in Thailand. There is sold all kinds of foodstaffs, some news for me. The shopkeepers are rough and offer the products like who scream for surviving.
I used the whole morning in doing steps. I phoned to George Myssachusets, the President of the Lycan Foundation, in order to get a supporting certificate to be able to realize photos in the AHPO, telephoned Carme Prieto, Director(Principal) of the File of the Kingdom of Galicia, for the same motive, and then I came to an office of tourist information and I got a map street, maps of the province, to be able to do an itinerary for the places where Romasanta was.
In this office filled me with flyers that publicize the thermal baths. Ourense is crammed with sources of which sprouts warm water, and her history is related to the caldaria baths, that already in 1700 are registered places of baths of public access to the purest style of the Turkish Haman. Later I will contribute myself to taking a thermal bath, to re-put forces for the long day of tomorrow, which perhaps it will bring good news.

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