
Blog of the research of the case of Manuel Blanco Romasanta, known as “Sacamanteigas”, first lycanthrope registered in the files of the European justice.

Sunday, June 7

The New

El antrópologo Ivort Macsaw consigue localizar en Ourense esqueletos pertenecientes a personas asesinadas por el licántropo Manuel Blanco Romasanta a mediados del S. XIX.
Los investigadores de la Lycan Foundation certifican en sus laboratorios de Estados Unidos la autoría de los crímenes y preparan un nuevo libro sobre el fenómeno “Sacaúntos”.
Puede descargar la nota de prensa aquí.

The anthropologist Ivort Macsaw manages to locate in Ourense the skeletons of people murdered by the lycanthrope Manuel Blanco Romasanta in the middle of The XIXth.
The researchers of the Lycan Foundation certify in their laboratories of The United States the authorship of the crimes and prepare a new book about phenomenon "Sacaúntos".
You can visit press release, click here, and to visualize following photos.

(In these days I will not have time to write them post to report of my work, due to the important find.)

Tuesday, June 2

Allariz. The Conviction

In my inquiries to find news about Romasanta I always remained a name the "Audiencia". I did not know that it could be until after removing and gathering information I realized that if I was of the court where the convict was led to be sentenced. I confess that all these names still continue producing me tickling t in the stomach.
I took the car and went up to the village called Allariz. The first impression was contradictory because there the Audiencia was but also I saw a river that was drawing its own channel, I saw houses with aligned stones, trees making part of the road... I did not have time to observe more in detail, I wanted to meet someone because I needed to see the Court. I was lucky and the first person I greet was the major: a bold beard man. He didn’t wear tie and hat. I didn’t know who him was but I introduced my self. He was surprised and with a smile pointed out where It. was the toys Museum, the old Audiencia… the time clears up names and reconstructs the man’s action.
I walked along paved streets that seemed to be drawn by a great architect, I asked in a chemist’s shop to the apothecary, where still visibles the medicinal herbs , and then I realized that had already come.

Solemn building done with granitic stone, high place, with stairs placed well and with a big door cracked horizontally in two that was roaring when moved it... the hinges noise seemed to me to be worrying, I opened and closed the door three times. I almost felt when the guard and the keeper were leading the “Home do Unto” (“Man of the Grease ") to the judge… All it was product of my imagination! Today so was an anteroom of a museum dedicated to the toys, which the Galician children had years ago. I wanted to accede to Romasanta's processing but the judicial division was different at that time and everything was in Ourense. Was a civil servant of blue jacket and skirt also blue the one that told me the details, while she was monitoring the rooms controlled by cameras.

I returned to go down and sat down opposite to the big green door as if I was a madman asking me why stones do not speak … What was feeling Romasanta wearing chains in the feet, how the alaricans (from Allariz) neighborhood was looking at him…
I took photos to continue thinking at home. I went to Allariz with two images in mi mind: the sound of the river and the doors that if they were opening to apply the justice of the men… the one that we know.

Allariz on the map

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Monday, June 1

Vilariño. Permission to escape

My route was decided some days ago but to face every day to a trip suposses to concrete this that in your imagination seems easy but It gets complicated to explore territories almost virgin or with a difficult localization.

I had to go to Val do Conso and once there I went. I found out specific information in a country where the things never are black or white and where Who asks has to do it twice.

In Vilariño, administrative capital of this valley,.I stopped and found a school with few children. I looked inside and I liked to see how they were playing without taking care about was happening outside.but I had to come back to the city hall. I asked for it and I found it the building was new, built to be modern, but in this village the time was stopped... The two administrative staff rose the head of their computer and they observed to answer me, but first I have to ask twice to know where I was and where was the seat of the city hall in the middle of the 19TH century . At the end the older civil servant gave me all of sorts of explications.

I took th e car again and I drove trough roads with curves and curves I wanted to go slowly because I liked to observe the green trees: chestnuts, oaks, walnuts and a lot of fountains and small creeks...

The idea of “Home do Unto” (the man of the grease) walking through this place didn’t disappear of my mind. I tried to think about how he was part of the nature, part of the “matria”, as was said in Rome.
Suddenly I discovered that the car could not continue. In Edrada the habitants or they didn’t want vehicles or didn’t need them. A SOON AS I ARRIVE I met two persons. Was easy, a man dressed as a bee keeper went to meet me he was talking a lot.

This time was him who asked: he wanted to know If I was journalist and said that he was appear on tv. I decided to photograph him and while I was changing the clothe I used the time to look for the city hall seat.
Fascinated because today it was a barn and surprised that still had been the inscription that was identifying the building since it was a seat of a public institution … what country!

There was no file, so strips of chesnut wood that also were resisting the passage of time. The man returned and spoke and spoke and spoke until I achieved that he had said to me that " they were threatening the children to with the Man of the Grease " Certainly, he said to me that he had several children but that he did not know where they were … it be true or they would be children of the barn*?

I had to leave but before I guessed paths, at least it was what I thought, Manuel Blanco Romasanta's spirit. I remained with the inscription, with the unconscious fear of the man - legend and with the merger man - nature … ah! And also with the postal address of the bee-keeper for sending him the photos.

* Children of the barn or “fillos do palleiro” are called for these lands to those who have unknown father, referring to the one that happened in the stealthiness of the barns.

Vilariño on the map

See Vilariño in a bigger map