
Blog of the research of the case of Manuel Blanco Romasanta, known as “Sacamanteigas”, first lycanthrope registered in the files of the European justice.

Tuesday, June 2

Allariz. The Conviction

In my inquiries to find news about Romasanta I always remained a name the "Audiencia". I did not know that it could be until after removing and gathering information I realized that if I was of the court where the convict was led to be sentenced. I confess that all these names still continue producing me tickling t in the stomach.
I took the car and went up to the village called Allariz. The first impression was contradictory because there the Audiencia was but also I saw a river that was drawing its own channel, I saw houses with aligned stones, trees making part of the road... I did not have time to observe more in detail, I wanted to meet someone because I needed to see the Court. I was lucky and the first person I greet was the major: a bold beard man. He didn’t wear tie and hat. I didn’t know who him was but I introduced my self. He was surprised and with a smile pointed out where It. was the toys Museum, the old Audiencia… the time clears up names and reconstructs the man’s action.
I walked along paved streets that seemed to be drawn by a great architect, I asked in a chemist’s shop to the apothecary, where still visibles the medicinal herbs , and then I realized that had already come.

Solemn building done with granitic stone, high place, with stairs placed well and with a big door cracked horizontally in two that was roaring when moved it... the hinges noise seemed to me to be worrying, I opened and closed the door three times. I almost felt when the guard and the keeper were leading the “Home do Unto” (“Man of the Grease ") to the judge… All it was product of my imagination! Today so was an anteroom of a museum dedicated to the toys, which the Galician children had years ago. I wanted to accede to Romasanta's processing but the judicial division was different at that time and everything was in Ourense. Was a civil servant of blue jacket and skirt also blue the one that told me the details, while she was monitoring the rooms controlled by cameras.

I returned to go down and sat down opposite to the big green door as if I was a madman asking me why stones do not speak … What was feeling Romasanta wearing chains in the feet, how the alaricans (from Allariz) neighborhood was looking at him…
I took photos to continue thinking at home. I went to Allariz with two images in mi mind: the sound of the river and the doors that if they were opening to apply the justice of the men… the one that we know.

Allariz on the map

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