
Blog of the research of the case of Manuel Blanco Romasanta, known as “Sacamanteigas”, first lycanthrope registered in the files of the European justice.

Thursday, May 21

Ourensan smile

The one who signs below, titles like that this post, for the overflowing amiability of the citizens ourensans.
Before the alarm clock could have done its work I already was under the rain, and I was impatient to know the place that saw grow to the small Manuel B. Romasanta. Very early, when almost Ourense didn’t awake I was going towards the AHPO to deliver the credentials to be able photograph the documents. The director was not yet, therefore the photographic work will have to stay for another day.
Before going towards the place of birth of the Sacauntos I had to pass for the County council to ask about Xosé Domínguez's book which already I spoke to you " The man of the grease ( O home do unto), Blanco Romasanta, history of a legend " because of it is exhausted in Internet, and in the ourensans bookshops as well. In the service of publications they confirm me that it exhausted soon after its last edition, but that I can find a copy in the Library of the Deputation. There, I direct myself with not so much enthusiasm, since everything what I could find already is published in the net.
Again I am very surprised with the amount of civil servants’ that exists in the public and official services. Several care takers direct me up to the surrounding areas of the library in the third floor, there seven women exchange commentaries among themselves until I enter in scene. I introduce my self and make clear that I am investigating, and, automatically, they begin to look for information in the computerized bibliographical file, while they invite me to go in to the Investigators' Room. Still I had not had time of getting accommodated and they started to bringing me books.

A heap of them I rejected them after reading the title because they were of mythology. I took some notes of psychology books ... and at the end came to me what I wanted, with blue covers and with Romasanta's photofit picture. They me brought also others that I already had obtained from USA as of Ed. Nigratrea that goes for title(degree) " Manuel(a) Blanco Romasanta, the killer hombre lobo " (2007) Xosé Ramon Mariño Ferro. (“Manuel(a) Blanco Romasanta, o lobishome asasino”)When there was fully absorbed in the reading enter into the room the director of the library, Mª Isabel Almuíña, to ask for the treatment that her companions were distributing me , but with the aim to know whom was I what I was doing there. When I told it to her. , there was such the emotion that produced to her to know that an institution like the Lycan Foundation was investigating a ourensano case that gave me the book that so much I needed.

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