The researchers of the Lycan Foundation certify in their laboratories of The United States the authorship of the crimes and prepare a new book about phenomenon "Sacaúntos".
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A real case of lycanthropy
“Ai, querido!, como non vou saber onde está a Redondela?, por desgracia funche ben veces alí, querido. Cun bo rabaño de cabras ou ovellas, porque as vacas non che rachaban*. Ía ata de ben meniña que non che podía nin coas calzas. A Redondela... que Deus a leve... déixaa estar. Catro veces che fun antes de emigrar para a Alemaña... usted enténdeme?...”
“Oh, darling!, how can I not know where is to the Redondela?, unfortunately I
was many times there, darling. With a good number of goats or sheeps, because
the cows do not cross. I was going even very young, so young that I could not
with the shoes. The Redondela... that God takes her ...leave to be. I was four
times before emigrating for to Germany ... do you understand me? ..."
“Érache un homón malo ás sabendas [...] collía cas mulleres cara á Serra e xa nada delas se volvía saber [...] el andar andouche a vivir para alá dun ano ou máis na Cova da Serra [...] Á fin pillárono os carabineiros. No cárcere non lle daban de comer, e rematou por levalo a Morte.”
" He was a bad man [...] he was taking women towards Serra and already nothing
of them if she) was returning to know [...] he was living for there of one year
or more in the Cave of the Mountain [...] the police plundered it from the fin.
In the jail they were not feeding him, and he ended for the Death taking it."
“Foi unha moza de aquí a que descubriu o engano do Romasanta. Ela éralle ben avispada, pero conseguina levar cara á Serra. "O do Unto" estaba a cocer un pote alá arriba (sinalando cara á maxestuosa Serra de San Mamede). Él deixoulle dito que de ningún xeito levantara a tapa da ola, pero a moza aproveitou un descoido do do Unto e levantou o testo. Entón veulle a morte ós ollos cando viu que na auga que fervía a cachón flotaba a man dunha muller, e co mesmo guindouse monte abaixo que parecía lume...”
"She was a young woman of here the one that discovered the deception of the Romasanta. She was clever, but he managed to take her towards to Serra. “That of the Grease” was cooking a boat there (pointing towards the great San Mamede Mountain). He mentioned that no way had raised the lid of the pot!, but the young woman took advantage of a carelessness of that of the Grease and raised the cover. Then came the death to the eyes when she saw that in the water was boiling it was floating a hand of a woman, and with the same one mount threw itself below that was looking like a fire... "
“Aquí non se sabe nada diso, iso é un invento da televisión. Claro que nos dicían de pequenas “Coidado que ven o do Unto” pero iso era coma quen di o “home do saco” ou así, só era para acougalas crianzas, para que foramos a durmir e non estiveramos nas brincadeiras todo o día”
“Here nobody knows anything of it; it is an invention of the television. Clear that they were saying to us of small "Taken care that they see that of the Grease" but it was as whom the "bogey-man" says or this way, only it was to calm upbringing, in order that we had been to sleeping and had not been in the games the whole day"
"The Sacauntos, or Sacamanteigas, calls him as you like, was more clever than a
garlic (Galician saying, which means to be very clever).At that time he could read and write. He was as shrewd as a fox, smaller than this hoe, but quite strong . He had face of wolf, he was shaggy and ugly so much that I had not wanted to see him in a dark night [...] It is said that wondered trough the moutain, Caves, there together with San Pedro, was living in the caves with the mouros , in the times of the war, but he was not going with these people. He was pleasing with new young women, but he was very shy..."“O Sacauntos, ou Sacamanteigas, chámalle como queiras, era un home máis listo ca un allo. Seica xa daquela sabía ler e escribir. Era astuto coma unha zorra, pequenote que non avultaba máis ca este sacho, pero ben forte. Tiña cara de lobo, era peludo e feo que non quixera eu velo na noite pecha [...] Din que andou fuxido polo monte, nas Covas, aí a carón de San Pedro, estibo vivindo nas covas cos mouros, nos tempos da guerra, pero el non se levaba con esa xente. Gostaba das mozas novas, máis era moi apoucadiño...”
In his story is not easy to separated reality from fiction. He gives erroneous information. He names the civil war that suffered this country in 1939, mentioning those who were escaping of the Franco`s regime, assuring that they lived with Romasanta. It could have been a nice history, but the times of the war are far (hundred years) to the time when the Sacamanteigas scaped from the justice.
I say goodbye, the Sun is bordering already the horizon and s I must go to San Pedro de Rocas (Saint's Peter of Rocks) monastery, also in Esgos's municipality.
Manuel Blanco Romasanta knew well this monastery. Here he spent long time, scaped of the law or because of the special friendship that had with the assistant of the abbot of this church.
San Pedro of Rocks resembles to be climbing up a solitary mount in a perfect balance that gives the geometric pieces of stone and the rounded carvings in the rock in equal parts that shape its architecture.
The anthropomorphic sarchofag carved in the rock (probably for this motive still existing today). The temple is abandonned, opened to any visitor. Undoubtedly has many for its singular beauty.Inside the temple crammed with sarcophagi there is not so much light, and the stones seem to keep the secular fear that the Sacaúntos spread for every corner of this province, I confess that the throttler was late in closing, to get in the car and to return to the city.
See Esgos. Romasanta child in a bigger map